Participating in the International Touring and Environmental Responsibility Program 2024

I am so happy to have been a part of The International Touring and Environmental Responsibility Program winter/spring 2024. Thanks to everyone involved from Julie's Bicycle, for so many fruitful discussions, interesting presentations, dilemmas and important questions raised!

This unique programme is a collaboration between The Arts Council England, the Danish Arts Foundation, Arts Council Norway and Julie’s Bicycle. The program aims to foster relationships between artists and companies based in Denmark, Norway, and England, supporting them to develop new, environmentally responsible approaches to international touring and collaboration. I am happy to have been chosen as one of 24 participants this year, meeting so many deeply engaged colleagues!

Now the weekly digital sessions are soon coming to an end, and we're starting to prepare for the next phase: applying for projects and concepts where we can work together internationally in a more sustainable way. It will be so exciting to see what type of projects that will be funded through the International Touring and Environmental Responsibility Fund as a result of this program!

More information about the programme, the fund and the participants here.


Premiere på Capiche?! - En forestilling som ikke skjønner en dritt